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Thursday, November 17, 2011


Finally the rain has remembered that somewhere at the end of the world is a little desert filled land that has waited for rain for a long time! Together with the rain, have come grey clouds, wailing winds and the unpreventable chill. It is true that the setting is not perfect but on the other hand, especially now, in wintertime, when all we want to do is curl up under a duvet and read a good book with hot chocolate, this is the time to improve our Hebrew.
How? It is very simple. You want to read a book in bed? Excellent! There are many great books in Hebrew! My tip is to buy the same book in Hebrew and also in your mother tongue, this way if you don't understand exactly what is happening in the plot- you can always fill in the gaps or use the English book as a backup. This makes studying very easy and the book is not as threatening as it looked before.
Do you have questions? Want recommendations of books to read? Write to us on facebook and we will get back to you soon!
Good luck and I wish a rainy and healthy winter to all!

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